
One of the many creatures created by Allah (God) is the one called ‘Farishta’ (angel). Allah has given special qualifications and special rights to the angels. They can have many uses in creation. But all their actions are in complete submission to Allah. They cannot ignore Allah even to a small degree.

Countless events are happening every moment in the universe. Like – the orbit of the stars, the shining of the sun and the moon, the rotation of the earth. Similarly the arrival of rains, seasons and many other changes. Human and animal progeny will always remain on earth. Similarly many events are always happening in the world. All this is managed by these angels. They are the most loyal and obedient creations of Allah among Allah’s creation.

Humans cannot see angels. But angels see humans. He continues to monitor man from Allah. By these same angels the death of man is reduced and they take away his soul from here.

Angels also manage the present world and angels are the ones who manage Jannat (Heaven) and Hell (Hell) in the Akhirat (Hereafter). These angels are innumerable.

The matter of angels can be understood with the example of a big factory. A large factory has many large and complex machines on one hand. Today the machines produce the output for which the factory is set up.

But these machines do not run automatically on their own. Many people are needed as workers to run it. So a large number of human workers are active in every factory, so that they keep the factory running in its expected manner. Likewise in the great factory of creation countless angels are appointed to operate it. The only difference between the two is that the human workers of an ordinary factory can be seen, whereas the angels who work in the factories of creation cannot be seen by external eyes.

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